50 First Dates I Can't Read Gif


50 First Dates is a 2004 American Romantic Comedy film. It stars Adam Sandler as a woman-chasing veterinarian (Henry) and Drew Barrymore (Lucy) as an amnesiac due to a brain injury during a car accident.

Henry is an body of water wildlife veterinarian in Hawaii who has built upwardly a reputation of seducing attractive tourists who are looking to blow off some steam. In a chance encounter, he meets Lucy at a local restaurant and they connect, they have a great outset appointment but the next day she looks at him like he's a stranger. He learns that a car accident a year ago has given her a head injury, permanently dissentious her power to form new long term memories, forgetting everything when she goes to bed and starts the next mean solar day equally though it was the day of the blow. Her closest friends and family have resolved to let her believe it is the day of the accident.

Recognizing the difficulty of building a human relationship with someone who volition never remember him the next day, Henry finds himself unable to just permit her become. So he resolves to "encounter" her and have her autumn in beloved with him anew every 24-hour interval. Hilarity Ensues.

This moving picture provides examples of:

  • Abhorrent Gentleman: Played for Laughs. Kevin James' graphic symbol talking virtually dating Henry Roth.
  • Accidental Innuendo: In-Universe. When Henry talks to Lucy once again, he makes a joke about him and his walrus that Lucy finds suggestive and insulting and believes him to existence a stalker as she claims to have never even met him. This confuses Henry, prompting Sue to explain things to him.

    Henry: My hands are actress fishy if you care to have a whiff.
    Lucy: (confused) What...was that?
    Henry: I was petting my walrus all forenoon and I was thinking about you lot the whole time.
    Lucy: Okay, debauchee. I call back you should leave.

  • Action Girl: When Henry has Ula pretend to beat him upwards equally ane of his attempts at a Meet Cute with Lucy, Lucy takes a baseball game bat and comes to his "rescue."
  • Adult Fear: You become into an accident that gives your daughter brain damage that resets her memories every 24 hours. To keep her from realizing anything wrong, you, your son and all her friends repeat the last day before the accident over and over, but yous know that information technology tin't last forever as she will nevertheless age, and one day she will wake up and from her perspective has lost years of her life overnight.
  • All in the Manual: The photos and drawings scribbled in the end credits reveal that Henry and Lucy's daughter is named Nicole.
  • Almost Kiss: Defied. When Henry reunites with Lucy later on several weeks of separation, they are virtually to buss...until 10-second Tom breaks in for no apparent reason. But then, Henry shoos him abroad and continues the osculation, anyway.
  • Ambiguous Gender: Alexa.
  • Ambiguous Gender Identity: Alexa. Information technology's unknown if they're a effeminate guy, an androgynous woman or genderqueer.
    • Kevin James' grapheme talking about his 'date' with Henry Roth in the prologue. It'south unknown if they're a gay homo or transgender.
  • Ambiguously Gay:
    • Doug speaks with a lisp and fits into the Gym Bunny stereotype. He's as well seen with Alexa at the end.
  • Ambiguously Bi:
    • The opening montage hints that Henry has had a relationship with a human (played by Kevin James), though it might have just been a 1-sided beat.
    • Alexa, who nervously hits on a woman that Henry rejected in a bar, gives Henry communication on how to delight a woman and later hits on Doug.
  • Anguished Annunciation of Dearest: Henery delivers i to Lucy afterward returning to her and visiting her art studio.

    Henry: You erased me from your memories because you thought y'all were holding me dorsum from having a total and happy life. Simply y'all made a mistake. Existence with you is the only way I could have a total and happy life. You're the daughter of my dreams... and apparently, I'm the man of yours.

  • Amnesiac Lover: Lucy.
  • Armour-Piercing Question: Henry calls out Marlin well-nigh how he clearly hasn't idea about how exactly they can continue their ruse going when eventually Lucy will wake upwardly i solar day and detect she's aged years overnight. Marlin tells him he thinks about that exact affair all the time.
  • Attending Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!
    • Lucy remembers everything only up until her accident.
    • Also, Ten-Second Tom, whose memory span is a period of x seconds.

      Tom: Hullo, I'm Tom! (10 seconds subsequently...) Hi, I'm Tom!

  • Honour-Allurement Song: "Dearest Song" by 311. Though because it's a cover, it wouldn't be able to go a nomination.
  • Awful Wedded Life: Ula complains constantly about his married woman and how miserable he is with her. He even rags on her while officiating Henry and Lucy's wedding.

    Ula: Really? Even though in like, ten years she could really let herself become and sex could exist like, nauseating for you?

    Henry: What are you nuts? Your wife'south right there!

    Ula: I was just kidding, Muu-Muu!

    Ula'south Wife: (flips him off)

  • Concoction Up!: Henry has Ula pretend to beat him upwardly and then that Lucy could help him and therefore greet her. Lucy ends up chirapsia Ula up with a metallic baseball bat and chases him off while still chirapsia him up.

    Ula: (running off) OH, You lot CRAZY Bitch!
    Lucy: Yep, Go along RUNNING!!

  • Large "WHY?!": Lucy appears to be yelling one of these when she discovers the truth near her memory being wiped due to an accident that happened to her a twelvemonth prior and runs out on the deck in tears.
  • Bittersweet Catastrophe: Lucy never truly recovers, though she does dream most Henry enough to almost remember him. The ii marry and accept a child, though Lucy withal has to lookout man tapes of the events of her life since the blow to truly remember both of them. While it'south conspicuously not platonic, they are making the best of a bad situation and living a happy life overall.
  • Break His Heart to Save Him: Lucy does this to Henry to prevent him from throwing his Alaska traveling plans and walrus studying career abroad for her.
  • Brick Joke: Averted: (or done in contrary) Kevin James has a fleck part as the simply male in the opening sequence recounting Henry's hookups, 3 years earlier I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry.
  • Cordon Bleugh Chef: Averted. Tattoo-Face suggests putting Peanut Butter Cups in Henry'due south eggs just because he heard they're his favorite. Henry politely declines.
  • Did Not Think This Through: Subverted. Henry tells Marlin they can't proceed their ruse going forever because eventually Lucy will wake upwards one twenty-four hours and discover she's aged years overnight. Marlin tells him he thinks about that exact matter all the time. He just doesn't have whatever better ideas.
  • Discount Lesbians: The end credits feature Jocko the walrus and his three mates Candace, Bernice and Rose exchanging kisses betwixt i another. Yeah, this ways that Jocko'southward three mates are all bisexual... only since they're, yous know, walruses, the audition doesn't call back about it too securely.
  • Distant Finale: Lucy wakes up and watches the "Good morn, Lucy" video, which shows her the Oct 13 accident and her friends wishing her happiness as usual,...except that it ends with her and Henry's wedding. And then she comes outside to find that she's on lath Henry's boat to Alaska, with Henry, Marlin, and her toddler daughter, Nicole, for visitor.
  • The Ditz: Doug.
  • Dramatic Irony: The primary disharmonize of the film. Considering Lucy'south anterograde amnesia makes her unable to form new memories after a period of 24 hours, she wakes up everyday thinking that information technology'due south October 13 of the previous year. Unless she is told herself, she doesn't follow whatever developments of her social circle afterward, including her friends' marriage or parenthood. The most important matter, nonetheless, is that she doesn't remember ever falling in love with Henry, as to her, he's a new person everyday, even though they've been dating for weeks and possibly months. Exemplified best during a montage of the falls-in-dear.

    Lucy: Nothing beats a first osculation.
    Henry: Yeah.
    (the next mean solar day)
    Lucy: Nothing beats a first kiss.
    Henry: Yeah.
    (repeated several times)

  • Piece of cake Amnesia: Averted. Also, Lucy is suffering from postal service-trauma memory loss. While it's much more than mutual in real life, it'due south rarely depicted in picture palace.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: In the opening monologue with the women describing their fling with Henry Roth, i of them is a human being (played by Kevin James).
  • Everything's Ameliorate with Penguins: Henry certainly seems to like his penguin, Walter. He even exploits this trope by getting Walter to fake getting run over past Lucy's car to ensure a Meet Beautiful. Information technology doesn't piece of work, because Lucy's car passes harmlessly over the penguin, leaving him unscathed.
  • Exact Words:
    • After Marlin makes Henry promise to stay out of the cafe, he starts engineering ways for them to come across "naturally" on the road.
    • When Henry rushes to the constitute because he thinks Lucy might retrieve him, he asks her if she knows who he is. She tells him she doesn't. Only then she shows him a gallery of paintings of him she'south painted based on her dreams, showing that while she doesn't know who he is, she does recollect him.
  • Falling-in-Dear Montage: Which repeats itself because of Lucy'southward amnesia, although Henry does his best to make it different each time.
  • Foreshadowing: Hints are dropped that something is off with Lucy. On the starting time day she meets Henry she's wearing a pink shirt and white pants and complements Sue'south "new" haircut. On the 2d morning, she's wearing a pinkish shirt and white pants and complements Sue's "new" haircut.
  • Funny Background Event: In 1 scene, Doug climbs to a chandelier and starts doing vertical sit-ups in that location. Both the chandelier and Doug then fall downwards.
  • Gory Discretion Shot: When Sue is telling Henry virtually the machine accident that happened to Marlin and Lucy, in a few shots shows a pineapple flight out of the auto and onto the grass, as the same time the machine collides into a tree.
  • "Groundhog Day" Loop: Due to Lucy'due south amnesia and her family's decision to let her relive the day again and again rather than explain the truth and hurt her every morning. Sue puts it perfectly:

    Sue: She eats breakfast hither every morning considering that'south what she did on Sundays and October 13th was a Dominicus... Lucy does the same thing, every day.

  • Hair of Golden, Eye of Aureate: Lucy
  • Here We Go Again!: Marlin on the day Lucy finds out the truth. His tone and Doug's reaction says they've been through this many times.

    Marlin: Having a bad day, Doug!

  • Hollywood Science: The exact type of amnesia depicted in picture show where an private loses their retentivity of the last 24 hours when they wake up in the morning, referred to in the motion picture as Goldfield Syndrome, does not exist. All the same, in the years since the film came out, a woman named Michelle Philpots was discovered to suffer from a instance of anterograde amnesia that closely resembled the fictional condition in the moving picture. Though in her case, she as well has severe problems with retentivity over the course of the aforementioned solar day (as opposed to the film'south bully "24 hour memory" plot).
    • The same is true for Ten-Second Tom: at that place are people whose memory "resets" every few minutes or even seconds (as described by Oliver Sacks in The man who mistook his wife for a hat), merely the length depends on how long they keep their current train of thought, rather than having a stock-still duration.
  • If It'southward You, Information technology's Okay: Might be the case with Doug and Alexa, who are paired up at Henry and Lucy's wedding.
  • I Have This Friend: Used by Doug about his steroid use.
  • In the Local Tongue: Later on Ula says something deep and meaningful sounding to Henry as they are saying bye:

    Henry: Cheers buddy, that's beautiful. What'due south it mean again?
    Ula: Bring me dorsum a t-shirt. notation What makes this scene even funnier is the fact that Ula doesn't wear a shirt when he says that.

  • Internal Reveal: The audition already knows Lucy's predicament, but Lucy herself doesn't realize this until the expired ticket incident. Which she has to relieve every single twenty-four hours after for the rest of her life.
  • I Want My Beloved to Exist Happy: This is why Lucy tries to cut Henry out of her life so he doesn't take to dedicate his life to caring for her.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Marlin and Doug are understandably bitter about Lucy'south situation and don't take kindly to what they see as Henry taking advantage of her. However, equally Henry sticks around and tries to help her recover, they warm upwardly to him.
  • Ladykiller in Love: Henry's love-life consisted entirely of vacation flings with tourists until he met Lucy.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Lucy's condition is Handwaved abroad as being considering "she can't convert her short-term memory into long-term memory in her slumber". Basically, she is totally normal except that every time she goes to slumber (what if she stays up on a 48-hour bough? Or if she takes an afternoon nap?) she forgets everything that happened since a motorcar accident a yr before the story starts. Her family unit and friends go to great lengths to keep her from noticing that years accept passed since the day of her accident. When Henry learns about this, he calls bullshit on them, request if they haven't wondered what volition happen when Lucy suddenly wakes up and is in her forties.
  • Man Of My Dreams: Henry, for Lucy.
  • Meet Cute: Henry has one with Lucy, but Lucy has a new one with him every day.
  • Memory Gambit: Lucy eventually attempts to erase Henry from her memory, so she wouldn't screw up his plans to go to the Arctic and study walruses (or walri; the species he studies is ambiguously ambiguous). Information technology ultimately fails, however, every bit she dreams about him nigh every night and has an art studio total of paintings she's made of him.
  • Mood Whiplash: As Sue explains what happened to Lucy to Henry, a simple father-daughter bonding moment becomes terrifying in the flashback as Marlin swerved to avoid hitting a moo-cow and crashed into a tree.
  • Never Learned to Read: Henry uses this as a flim-flam to get Lucy to talk to him on one of the many days he introduces himself to her in the diner. He splashes water on his eyes and acts similar he'southward crying until she comes to meet what'south wrong. When he confesses that he can't read the bill of fare, she spends all morning sitting with him "pedagogy" him. He blows it though when he doesn't ask her for a 2d date (because he knows she won't remember) and she gets furious and reveals that she knew the whole affair was a ploy and went forth with it because she liked him.
  • Noodle Incident: Doug got butterfingers from the Mr.Hawaii competition due to steroid abuse.

    Doug I didn't know there was gonna be a urine test.

    • Dr. Goldberg wishing his wife had Goldfield Syndrome so she wouldn't remember when he insulted her last night.
  • Notation to Self: Lucy keeps a journal to carry over the details of her life mail service-blow.
  • "Not Making This Up" Disclaimer: From the video montage of everything Lucy missed in the past year: "Schwarzenegger Elected Governor... non kidding!"
  • Ane-Track-Minded Artist: After Lucy deletes Henry from her journal she holds no memory of who he is in her conscious listen. When Henry realizes she might remember him he rushes to see her, and while she admits she doesn't know him she shows him her studio, which is full of paintings of Henry. He appears in her dreams despite her amnesia, and she continues to paint him once again and again.
  • Overprotective Dad: Lucy's father does everything to make sure his daughter keeps reliving the same mean solar day and won't freak out. He also repeatedly tells Henry to stay away from Lucy. In the finish, he joins Henry and Lucy as they leave Hawaii. Doug and the cafe denizens definitely take this vibe, as well, perchance to a greater extent. Justified considering of Lucy'southward condition. Henry actually calls Marlin out for enforcing this trope to an extreme extent by continually making Lucy living in a state of denial and not taking into factor of her future, or what would happen if she suddenly wakes up to run into an old woman looking at her back from a mirror. Marlin really has thought that office through, and dreads it. He just doesn't take whatever meliorate ideas and is doing the best he can to shield her from further trauma.
  • Pair the Spares: It's sort of implied that Alexa and Doug claw up in the finish.
  • Relationship Reset Button: Constantly for the rest of their life.
  • Ridiculously Beautiful Critter: The penguin, specially when he'due south wearing his fiddling Hawaiian shirt.
  • Running Gag
    • "Hi, I'yard Tom." (The fact that he can't call up anything for ten seconds pretty much justifies it.)
    • Doug's obvious steroid intake.
    • Henry being told that his head is egg-shaped. If you look closely, one of Lucy's paintings of him near the end fifty-fifty has his head being literally painted as an egg.
  • Scary Polynesian Man: Nick aka "Tattoo Face."

    Nick: Hey, mister peanut butter cups!
    Henry: Hey, mister could-impale-me-with-one-punch!

  • Scenery Porn: Makes great use of Hawaiian locations and vistas.
  • Shout-Out
    • The Callahan Institute was "founded out of Sandusky Ohio by TB Callahan, the automotive components tycoon". To brand it even clearer, Dan Aykroyd is the ane who's maxim the line.
    • When Henry is golfing with Ula and his kids, Ula attempts (desperately) the trademark Happy Gilmore swing, only for Henry to say it's "the stupidest affair [he's] always seen." The all-time is the kids and so executing an adorable (and highly successful) version, in unison.
    • Ula is based on a real guy.
    • The 2 dolphins at Henry'south place are named Mary-Kate and Ashley.
    • Lucy'south family watches The Sixth Sense. Complete with Lucy being surprised at learning that Malcolm-er, Bruce Willis is a ghost, while her dad and brother just nod uninterestedly because they already know that.
    • Lucy reads Still Life With Woodpecker - A Sort Of A Love Story by Tom Robbins.
    • The Beach Boys is mentioned several times during the flick and their music is played.
  • Tagline: "Imagine having to win over the girl of your dreams... every friggin' day."
  • The Stoner: Ula, who is always smoking weed joints fifty-fifty though he denies information technology many times. Which would explain his behavior.
  • Trademark Favorite Nutrient: Every morning, Lucy eats waffles for breakfast and makes trivial houses out of them.
    • Henry'due south favorite is Spam and Reese's peanut butter cups, though not together as Nick suggests.
  • Ugly Slavic Women: Played with by Alexa. They might not actually be a woman, but they're certainly not bonny, and judging by their accent, they're Eastern European.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: The cop that cites Lucy'due south auto for being expired, is what leads to Lucy learning most her memory loss issue.
  • Vomit Indiscretion Shot: Jocko the walrus, all over Alexa.
  • Warm-Hearted Walrus: Jocko the walrus is pretty friendly towards Henry and Lucy. And his iii mates, past the stop of the film.
  • Wham Line: Everything changes due to an expired license plate. And a newspaper reading "May 2004" instead of "October 2003" like Lucy had believed.

    Lucy: Oh no! This cop is writing me a ticket! (runs outside the café)
    Cop: The tags expired May of this year.
    Lucy: No, they expire May of next yr!
    Henry: Officeholder, I retrieve there'southward been some sort of mistake.
    Lucy: This is ridiculous! I'thousand not paying for this. It's Oct! (grabs newspaper) Expect...October...What?!

    • When Henry sobs listening to "Wouldn't Information technology Be Nice" past The Beach Boys:

    Henry: Wait a minute, he [Marlin] trying to tell me something?
    (flashback shows Lucy singing the exact same song while painting)
    Marlin: (in flashback) She only sings on days she meets yous.
    Henry: She remembers me? Holy shit!

  • Wham Shot: In-Universe example. Lucy is shocked and confused to find the newspapers reading "May 2004" instead of "October 2003" like she idea.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Asked by Lucy:

    Lucy: How is the moo-cow?

    Henry: Same as you. Every day they accept to convince her she'south a moo-cow.


Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Film/FiftyFirstDates

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